Happy New Year Everyone,

Northland Festivals is excited and preparing for the 40th Anniversary of Snake Saturday! Amazing to think it has been 40 years since Mickey Finn and Bill Grigsby headed up what has become a North Kansas City tradition. Always the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day!
This year’s parade and festival will be on March 16, 2024, starting at 11:00 A.M. The parade begins at 14th and Swift then will proceed north on Swift, turn east on Armour Road, and then back south on Howell to 14th Street where the parade will disperse. Northland Festivals would like to thank all those businesses that are or have been affected by the parade in the last 40 years. We thank the North Kansas CIty community for their support!
All these events make up a week and half worth of exciting fun in March. Mickey and Grigby really knew what we all needed coming out of the winter, an atmosphere of fun!
Snake Saturday has evolved in the last 40 years to include four different events. The Grand Marshal Celebration is taking on a new name the Grand Marshal Hooley which means party in Irish. This event will be held on March 7, 2024, in the Voodoo Lounge of Harrah’s Casino. The event starts at 5:30 with free food and some free beverages. It includes both a live auction and an online auction. All businesses are welcome to purchase tickets for this extremely fun event. Table sponsorships are $300 and $500.
Additionally, there are other sponsorship packages available at Sponsorship Packages – Snake Saturday Parade. We want to thank North Kansas City Hospital for being the title sponsor since 1989 and of course the City of North Kansas City has always been super supportive! It was then Mayor Clark Ferguson who suggested to Mickey Finn to take the parade to the streets of North Kansas City 40 years ago.
March 9, 2024, the always fun event for Lad and Lassies will be conducted at the NKC Parks and Recreation Building. This event provides a great opportunity for children to gain experience in showcasing their talents and personality. Little Lad and Lassie for those ages 2 to 4, and Lad and Lassie for ages 5-7. The following week they get to ride in the parade.
March 15, 2024, the Charity Cookoff will take place in the large tent in the Festival Area located in the parking lot bordered by Fayette, 18th, and Howell. Charities will be cooking a steak vying for prize money provided by NKC Hospital.
The parade and festival will occur on March 16, 2024. Marching bands from area schools, commercial entries, performance groups, car clubs, and various charities will make up the parade. The festival area will include a carnival, inflatables, the Central Auto Racing Boosters Clyde Ellis Car Show, vendors, Snake Saturday apparel, and food.
The Theme is Mickey Finn’s IRISH DREAM (celebrating our 40th year). A theme to honor our past and dream about the future. The entries always look forward to the announcement of the theme.
Over these past 40 years, with the help of the North Kansas City business community, Northland Festivals has distributed almost 2 million in prize money to the various charities which make up the parade. The awards ceremony is at 3:00 P.M. the day of the parade and is one of the most satisfying events when you see the organizations receive their check. The smiles, the camaraderie, the win-win attitude, the support for everyone is the reason Snake Saturday has become the great North Kansas City tradition continuing from generation to generation. It is the reason Northland Festivals, and the great team of volunteers look forward to March each year.
Share the news, Registration is open at SnakeSaturday.com! There are various ways to get involved with Snake Saturday. A business can be part of the parade by entering as a commercial entry. There are also various sponsorship packages. All this information can be found at www.snakesaturday.com.